
contact smile dental kotte

To obtain information regarding appointments, pricing, and other related inquiries, please place a call to 0777 48 28 48. In case of emergencies or if you need to make a complaint, you can directly contact Dr. Lahiru Rajakaruna by calling 0777482848 via WhatsApp.

View available appointments and enjoy dentistry done right.

At Smile Dental Surgery, we will always do our best to communicate clearly with you about your treatment options and all costs associated with your treatment plan. It is our aim that every patient feels in control, fully informed and actively involved in their treatment. know more, Contact

At our practice, we take full responsibility for our treatments and consultations. If a crown, bridge or a hard filling (permanent filling) dislodge or break due to technical faults, we will redo it free of charge. We kindly ask our patients to keep records of their treatments, schedule regular dental check-ups and complete the planned course of dental treatments to take advantage of this facility.

Contact – Hotline 0777 48 28 48

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